Bharat NDT Solutions is a leading provider of non-destructive testing (NDT) services, ensuring safety, quality, and reliability across industries. We specialize in various testing using cutting-edge technology to detect flaws and maintain structural integrity. With expert professionals and precision-driven solutions, we help businesses achieve operational excellence with confidence.
Conducting cover meter test at selected locations on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to see the adequacy of concrete cover to rebars and creation of Contour Mapping of cover depth in RCC Structure by using (working on Magnetic field generation concept) steel bar scanner as per IS:456:2000 and relevant code of particular structure
It is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. GPR uses high-frequency (usually polarized) radio waves and transmits into the ground. When the wave hits a buried object or a boundary with different dielectric constants. It enables the geo-historical investigation to a depth of 8-10 meters from the top ground level. It will give details of soil strata, layer of soil profile, buried object, size of buried objects, foundation details and pattern of variability of foundation layers (if any) and excavation if it required at the site
Repairing Methodology and retrofitting scheme for structural serviceability and safety, periodic maintenance scheme, futuristic protection of structure. The recommendation for structural repair and rehabilitation to the structures shall have detailed technical specifications, materials to be used and design details, vulnerability indices and order of urgency to repair
Reviewing of Design and Construction Condition:- Identifying structural design basis involved for the establishment of load carrying capacity and outlining of minimum requirements & specifications to be met. Review of all built structure vis a vis design & drawing for assessment of load carrying capacity, existing concrete quality data sheet, and construction has been done as per required design data or not
Steel Plates/Tube/Pipe Weld/Forging/Casting as per ASTM A-435/A435M-82 ASME Sec V, range (0mm5000mm) for assessment of welding/joints
Vibration Analysis of Building:- Probable effect of vibration on health of building; to observe whether the vibration is under permissible Limit, Determination of Vibrating frequency of the structure and natural frequency of the structure for the safety analysis of the structure against the forced vibration as per IS 1893, IS 2974, NBC, DIN 4150 -1984, BS:7385 -1993
Visual Survey:- Visual inspection for surface damages, cracks, flaking, coloration, local weaknesses, etc and their damage classification. Simple tools and instruments like camera with flash light, magnifying glass, binoculars, gauge for crack width measurement, chisel and hammer, etc shall be used for measuring the distresses. The visual inspection shall largely cover areas of high distress, cracks and their location, moisture, leakage, abnormal variations in structure, algae and fungus growth, efflorescence, etc. Visual inspection would be documented in the form of worksheets, photographic records, and distress over drawings etc.
Rebound Hammer Test: For determining the estimated compressive strength of concrete and uniformity of concrete in terms of surface hardness as per IS 13311 (Part-2)-1992, ASTM C 805-02, BS 6089:1981 and BS 1881: Part 202, BSEN:13791, also establishing correlation chart between rebound hammer and other confirmatory test for estimated in-situ strength of concrete if required
Ultra-Sonic Pulse Velocity Test: Conducting Ultra-Sonic Pulse velocity (UPV) test at selected locations on RCC members of the structures covered under the study by making 300 mm x300 mm c/c grids to know about the homogeneity and quality of concrete. The test shall be performed as per IS 13311 (Part-1) / ASTM C 597
Ultrasonic Testing of Metallic Sections:- Steel Plates/Tube/Pipe Weld/Forging/Casting as per ASTM A-435/A435M-82 ASME Sec V, range (0mm-5000mm) for assessment of welding/joints
Core Test: Extracting the concrete core samples at select locations from RCC members of the structures covered under the study and evaluating the properties fck value, grade of concrete in the laboratory from the core samples selected. IS 456:2000; IS516:1959, IS 1199:2002; ASTM C-42, without encountering any steel reinforcement from the RCC members at specified locations by site in-charge with portable power driven core cutting equipment
Resistivity Meter Test:- It is used in determination of Estimation of the likelihood of corrosion, Indication of corrosion rate, Correlation to chloride permeability, Determination of zonal requirements for cathodic protection systems, Identification of areas within a structure most susceptible to chloride penetration as per BS EN 12696:2000, RILEM TC-154, AASHTO T277 RCP, AASHTO T259, ASTM C 1202 97
Half Cell Potential Test : Measuring the Half Cell Potential readings with wheel electrode at the nodes of pre-marked grid points on concrete surface in a suitable grid for determining the probability of corrosion activity of embedded steel reinforcement in concrete with specified half cell electrode in accordance with ASTM C876-1980 after moistening the concrete surface with water. The rate shall include surface preparation, moistening concrete surface for assessing the percentage risk of corrosion in reinforcement, Measuring the half-cell / surface potentials at selected locations on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to understand the extent of reinforcement corrosion and contour Mapping of corrosion, Plotting the half cell potential readings in graphical presentation with potential contours plotted in terms of probable risk of corrosion of steel bar as per ASTM C876 [6]-1991
Carbonation Test: Measurement of carbonation depth by phenolphthalein spray test at selected locations on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to see the depth of carbonation as per BS EN 14630:2006, BS EN 13295:2004. Ration of Carbonation depth to cover depth is also measured to check the intensity of carbonation attack on steel bar
Chemical analysis of concrete powder collected from the structure's concrete core sample/ by drilling to understand the chemical deterioration / degradation of concrete and its effect on reinforcement corrosion in the laboratory to determine the following parameters
Water Soluble Chloride Content % (by of mass of concrete) to check the risk of corrosion due to present chloride % as per IS: 14959 (Part 2) – 2001, B.S. 5328 Part 1, ACI 201.2R-92, BS 1881 Part 124:1988, BS 8110, IS 456:2000
pH Value (to check alkanity of concrete) as per relevant B.S. 5328, ACI 201.2R-92 and ACI-318-99, IS 456:2000, BS 8110
Acid Soluble Sulphate Content % (by of mass of cement) to check risk of column buckling (due to volume increment of concrete) as per relevant BS 5328 code, BS 1881 Part 124:1988, BS 8110,IS 456:2000
Cover Depth Measurement: Conducting cover meter test at selected locations on RCC members of the structures covered under the study to see the adequacy of concrete cover to rebars and creation of Contour Mapping of cover depth in RCC Structure by using (working on Magnetic field generation concept) steel bar scanner as per IS:456:2000 and relevant code of particular structure
RCC Details: RCC details by using ferroscanner for measuring the cover depth and existing protecting layer of steel rebar, diameter of steel and number of rebar, Preparation of structural details of RCC sections
Structural Drawings Preparation: Preparation of structural drawings with complete RCC details, section sizes and steel percentage by using profometer or GPR based scanner, it will give detailed cover depth and existing protecting layer of steel rebar, diameter of steel and number of steel bar
Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Foundation Details is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface.GPR uses high-frequency (usually polarized) radio waves and transmits into the ground. When the wave hits a buried object or a boundary with different dielectric constants. It enables the geo-historical investigation to a depth of 8-10 meters from the top ground level. It will give details of soil strata, layer of soil profile, buried object, size of buried objects, foundation details and pattern of variability of foundation layers (if any) and excavation if it required at the site
Moisture Meter:- Moisture profiling of structural members w .r .t depth of section and width of the sections, seepage intensity and flow of seepage
Fire Profile Analysis: Carrying out DTA and TGA analysis of concrete for finding out intensity of fire, duration of fire, temperature penetration up to cover depth and its probable effect on reinforcement tensile strength. ( Sample will be each from harsh damaged area, and undamaged area)
Tensile Strength Analysis of Fire Damaged Steel Members:- To analyze the effect of fire on the tensile strength of existing steel members/steel bar; how much tensile strength has been lost by member during the fire.
Structural Stability Analysis:- To check the vulnerability analysis, structural deficiencies and structural stability analysis of overall structure, In the structural analysis of existing structure, we will use the results of NDT of the materials/available properties of existing materials
Structural Stability Analysis for Possibility of Extension of Number of Floors: Analysis of structure for its serviceability, safety analysis for existing building, Analysis for possibility of extension of number of floors, suggestion and recommendation for construction of number of floors on existing structure.
Critical Deflection/Settlement Analysis: To check the critical deflection of structural members and analyzing the safety of structural members
Critical Deflection Analysis of Steel Members:- To check the deflection of ISMB, to check the tensioning position of grouted anchor bolts/welding and analyzing the safety of steel members by diagnosis as well as analysis
Seismic Analysis: Earthquake analysis of existing structure as per earthquake zone, earthquake load and intensity of earthquake
Report And Interpretation: Preparing and submitting comprehensive report consisting of findings from visual inspection, test data, interpretation of results, conclusions and final recommendations along with sketch indicating the location of the test
Repair/Retrofitting Methodology: Repairing Methodology and retrofitting scheme for structural serviceability and safety, periodic maintenance scheme, futuristic protection of structure. The recommendation for structural repair and rehabilitation to the structures shall have detailed technical specifications, materials to be used and design details, vulnerability indices and order of urgency to repair
Bill of Quantity (BOQ) Document Preparation:- Cost analysis for strengthening of structure to make it suitable for serviceability, Bill of Quantity (BOQ), Rate analysis, Material Specification and execution methodology with complete execution drawings and sketches
Slab Load Test:- Load carrying capacity analysis and deflection measurement of any kind of slab of building including analytical expertise recommendation for any intensity of load.
(Testing reference code:- IS 456: 2000,ACI 357, ACI 318-02 Ch.20 (ACI 2008) & IS 875:1987)
Brick Compressive Strength: To check the compressive strength of burnt brick as per IS 3495 :1992 part I, IS 1077 : 1992
Masonry Prism test:- Compressive Strength test of recreated brick masonry prism (from brick and mortar as per site data) as per ASTM C1314/IS1905
Water Absorption Test of Brick: Water Absorption Test of brick as per IS 1077: 1992, IS 3495 :1992 part 2
Chemical Analysis for Binding Material Mortar:- Binding material properties; Percentage of constituent elements and source of materials, composition details of materials, its compressive strength of binding materials, type of mortar,
Chemical Test For Plaster:-
(a) Chemical composition of mortar.
(b) Fineness of mortar.
(c) Cause Analysis of deterioration of plaster.
Bridge Super-Structure Static Load Test:- Load carrying capacity analysis and deflection measurement of deck slab of bridge including analytical expertise recommendation for any class of bridge
Pile Integrity Test:
(a) To find out the diameter of pile
(b) Length of pile
(c) Any Existing defects in pile
Magnetic Particle Testing Ferrous Metals as per ASTM-709, 1995; ASME Sec-5, 200; ASTM A275 range(1Up to 3mm depth) to assess the cracks/joints/welding conditions range
Liquid Penetrant Testing Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals as per ASME Sec-5, 2001; ASTM-E165 Flaws open to surface for the condition assessment of joints/weldings/surface cracks
Chemical Testing of Metals :- Metals/Alloys as per ASTM/IS for the quality assessment of metals
Hardness Testing of metals:- Hardness of Ferrous & Non-ferrous Metals/Alloys Vickers 80-94; HRC 17.9-68.5 HRB 13.5-99.5, LD 200-900, HB 82.0-940.0 to get the type of material and its estimated tensile strength
Coating Thickness:- Coating thickness (paint, anti-corrosive coating etc..) on Ferrous & Non-ferrous Metals/Alloys as per IS: 3023 Up to 1000micron
UT Thickness for Steel Section Size Assessment:- local thickness of a solid/hollow element based on the time taken by the ultrasound wave to return to the surface as per ASTM E797 / E797M for section detailing of steel members
Geotechnical SPT:- Conduct three Standard Penetration Test (SPT) in the Bore holes marked on the drawing. Carrying out Geotechnical Investigation up to design/required depth or up to hard rock whichever is earlier to understand the bearing capacity at each structure’s location to assess the stability of structure, Proper bore log data shall be maintained at each site, and bearing capacity of each soil strata and sieve analysis would be carried out for each location.